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REMONDIS Electrorecycling

Troyes Dismantling Centre

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    Treatment of cooling appliances: 2nd stage


    Output fractions


    Manual decontamination


    Treatment of cooling appliances: 1st stage


    Pre-shredding of small electrical appliances

    REMONDIS’ dismantling centre in Troyes dismantles small and large electrical appliances, display equipment, IT equipment and cooling appliances as well as cooling units containing ammonia. The plant operates a combined system which can be adjusted to recycle either cooling appliances or small electrical equipment as required. This makes the business particularly flexible, enabling the operators to react quickly to changing volumes of input material

  • Specialists for recycling cooling units containing ammonia

    • One of the specialist services offered by REMONDIS’ dismantling centre in Troyes is dismantling cooling units containing ammonia

    • REMONDIS’ dismantling centre in Troyes, which is situated approx. 180 kilometres south east of Paris, is equipped with a multi-functional system enabling it to dismantle both small electrical devices and cooling appliances. Its second main area of business focuses on processing and treating cooling units containing ammonia. The facility in Troyes is the only plant in REMONDIS Electrorecycling’s network able to handle and process such cooling units.

Making ammonia safe

Ammonia or NH3 is a natural coolant. NH3 was a commonly used refrigerant in fridges before manufacturers began using halocarbons such as CFCs. Whilst ammonia is not an ozone-depleting gas and does not contribute towards the greenhouse effect, it is toxic for humans. The facility at Troyes responsible for treating the cooling units containing ammonia first removes this toxic substance before dismantling the units into their individual parts. These different recyclable materials are then returned to the economic cycle.

  • Facts & Figures

    REMONDIS’ dismantling centre in Troyes
    Processing capacity60,000 t/a
    No. of employeesca. 80
    Primarily processescooling appliances and small appliances
  • Carbon-neutral operations

    • Troyes, our centre in the north east of France, has been awarded a certificate confirming it runs a carbon-neutral operation. To view the certificate, simply click on the link on the right.

    • Download certificate

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  • Contact

    REMONDIS Electrorecycling GmbH
    Brunnenstraße 138
    44536 Lünen
    F +49 2306 106919

© 2024 REMONDIS SE & Co. KG