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REMONDIS Electrorecycling
  • Using separate lines to achieve the very best environmental and economic results

    REMONDIS Electrorecycling specialises in one of the most complex areas of the recycling sector: using state-of-the-art technology, we are able to separate what no longer belongs together. By removing and separating the different materials contained in the WEEE, we achieve the best possible environmental and economic results: hazardous substances are sent for safe disposal and recyclable materials are returned to production cycles.

  • European regulations. Europe-wide solutions

    The recycling of electrical and electronic equipment is strictly regulated in the European Union by the WEEE Directive. On behalf of our customers in Germany, France, Poland and Austria, we ensure that these high standards are met – at all times and across all regions.

  • Ground-breaking innovations. Leaders in technology

    • EU legislation expects WEEE processing and recycling technology to achieve high recovery rates. By operating high performance facilities, we are able to meet these without any difficulty – and achieve even more: thanks to our cutting-edge technology and smart processes. Two of the main reasons behind our success can be put down to our company know-how and the expertise of our team – for our engineers are never satisfied until they have perfected our systems so that they achieve maximum levels of efficiency and protect the environment in the best possible way.

    • It’s in our own hands: most of our efficient dismantling lines are modular systems that we developed ourselves; our operations can, therefore, be adapted to changing conditions as and when required

    EU-wide recycling rates
    Recycling ratesPrescribed rates (WEEE Directive)
    Large domestic appliances80 %
    Cooling & freezing appliances80 %
    Small electronic appliances55 %
    Display equipment (IT/consumer electronics)70 %
  • Absolute precision. For reliable results

    Electrical and electronic equipment contains a very wide range of materials which means they have to be fed through a number of specialist dismantling processes – from pre-shredding, to decontamination, all the way through to the recovery of the recyclables. Recycling special types of devices can also pose a challenge, especially when it comes to segregating and removing the hazardous contents. Besides wishing to achieve the highest possible recycling rates, therefore, REMONDIS Electrorecycling’s most important maxim is to ensure its operations are carried out without endangering human health or the environment.

Dismantling lines for a whole range of appliances

REMONDIS Electrorecycling treats waste electrical and electronic equipment using a number of smart dismantling lines:

  • Large domestic appliances: tried and tested recycling solutions for ovens and dryers. more
  • heat exchanger (Cooling appliances): clever extraction and disposal of refrigerants and blowing agents. more
  • Small electronic appliances/consumer electronics: treatment of hair dryers, kettles and co. more
  • Display equipment: separation of recyclable materials from the hazardous chemical substances. more
REMONDIS Electrorecycling GmbH
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  • About REMONDIS Electrorecycling

    Click here to find our company brochures, certificates and a summary of the European laws

    Always up-to-date: keep an eye on your 'ear' pick-up requests online

    REMONDIS Electrorecycling offers its services in Europe and overseas

  • Contact

    REMONDIS Electrorecycling GmbH
    Brunnenstraße 138
    44536 Lünen
    F +49 2306 106919

© 2024 REMONDIS SE & Co. KG